Hello Chris. I really love your site!
Where did you get the idea?
I got the idea from a similar site that used to exist way back in the day. The site was: but you needed to write the guy an email to update your information, and he stopped maintaining it back in 2010, so that's why I built this one. People can come and go and change their info as they please without human intervention.
How long has the sight been up?
I built the site maybe...3 years ago. I think it went live in February of 2012, after a weekend or so of writing it. I actually haven't touched it since then, it just keeps chugging along and people continue to register and put their locations on the map. I think I posted a link on the samba once back then, and since then people have shared the site through blogs or word of mouth.
Thanks Chris! It is a great thing you have done for the Air-cooled community! And a great thing the many rescuers have and will do for other "volks". Keep up the good work!